Happy National Maritime Day! (May 22)

From NOAA~
Hap­py Nation­al Mar­itime Day! First cel­e­brat­ed on May 22, 1933, this day rec­og­nizes our nation’s mar­itime indus­try and the peo­ple that sup­port it. At NOAA, pro­vid­ing nav­i­ga­tion prod­ucts and ser­vices that ensure safe and effi­cient mar­itime com­merce, makes Nation­al Mar­itime Day every day.

Lt.j.g. Bart Bues­sel­er, research ves­sel Bay Hydro II offi­cer in charge, greets the pub­lic and answers ques­tions dur­ing the Port of Bal­ti­more’s Nation­al Mar­itime Day event.

In today’s newslet­ter we are high­light­ing a new prod­uct for the Gulf of Mex­i­co and announc­ing the new loca­tion of NOAA’s seam­less raster nav­i­ga­tion­al charts online: http://www.nauticalcharts.noaa.gov/…/2015/chartoverlays.

Have a safe and enjoy­able hol­i­day week­end on the water!
NOAA Coast Sur­vey [email protected]
on behalf of; NOAA Coast Sur­vey [email protected]