Maritime Display Projects

Maritime Activity Center

Check out our latest wooden boat acquisitions!

The boats will be on display when our exhibits open soon!

Bud­dy O’Brien, son of local favorite wood­en ship­builder Fran­cis O’Brien, donat­ed this 15 foot wood­en boat orig­i­nal! This is the last wood­en boat his father built. 1993 launch­ing. Bud­dy is so pas­sion­ate about our mis­sion to pre­serve and pro­mote Mis­sis­sip­pi’s Ship­build­ing her­itage, he drove this boat all the way in from Texas!

Our mar­itime team is trans­form­ing our Activ­i­ty Cen­ter and 3,000 Sq Ft of open ware­house space into a mar­itime design & Inter­pre­tive Approach. At their best, exhibits pro­vide trans­for­ma­tive expe­ri­ences for visitors—they evoke emo­tions, spark curios­i­ty, and prompt behav­ioral changes after vis­its. To cre­ate these kinds of expe­ri­ences, the
Mis­sis­sip­pi Ship­build­ing and Mar­itime Cen­ter of Pascagoula will cre­ate inter­ac­tive exhib­it com­po­nents, immer­sive spaces, and mul­ti­sen­so­ry moments.

When we con­sid­er con­tent, MSMC pri­or­i­tizes Mis­sis­sip­pi­an sto­ries that help vis­i­tors devel­op con­nec­tions between dif­fer­ent ideas and con­tent that is rel­e­vant to their lives. The goal is to inspire vis­i­tors to con­tin­ue learn­ing and engag­ing with the mar­itime world after their vis­it. Our Mar­itime Archives and Research Cen­ter will be the Gulf of Mexico’s only mar­itime research facil­i­ty. Our Archive col­lec­tions will house our mar­itime data and will offer safe and easy access to mar­itime researchers and scholars.

Our activ­i­ty cen­ter pro­vides year-round class­es, work­shops, lec­tures, and edu­ca­tion­al oppor­tu­ni­ties for all age groups. Designed to appeal to inter­ests rang­ing from the his­to­ry of boat­build­ing to water­men and cur­rent envi­ron­men­tal impacts, our mar­itime pro­grams offer some­thing for everyone.
