Archived Events

Invitation/Flyer to the Carroll B. Ishee Exhibit Reception

Maritime Center Activity

Check out our latest wooden boat acquisitions!

The boats will be on display when our exhibits open later this year!!!

Bud­dy O’Brien, son of local favorite wood­en ship­builder Fran­cis O’Brien, donat­ed this 15 foot wood­en boat orig­i­nal! This is the last wood­en boat his father built. 1993 launch­ing. Bud­dy is so pas­sion­ate about our mis­sion to pre­serve and pro­mote Mis­sis­sip­pi’s Ship­build­ing her­itage, he drove this boat all the way in from Texas!

Thanks to Jerold Vaughn Goff of Wade, MS our com­mu­ni­ty will enjoy learn­ing what it takes to build a dugout canoe. This dugout canoe, built in 1884 is a 19 foot Cypress tree hewed out by ances­tor Edmond Goff for use in and around the now infa­mous Pascagoula riv­er country.

Our Maritime Activity Center hosts
Summer Camp Programming 2022

June 28, 2022 — Our Guest Speaker event is a huge success!

The Mis­sis­sip­pi Human­i­ties Asso­ci­a­tion in part­ner­ship with the Mis­sis­sip­pi Mar­itime Muse­um and Activ­i­ty Cen­ter announces a speak­ing engage­ment with Asso­ciate Prof Chris­t­ian Pin­nen. Pro­fes­sor Pin­nen will dis­cuss race and slav­ery with­in our Mis­sis­sip­pi borders.

This event is part of the Mis­sis­sip­pi Mar­itime Muse­um’s com­mit­ment to all cul­ture diver­si­ties. Kyle Williams, edu­ca­tion pro­gram­ming man­ag­er, has asked us to sup­port and attend this event if your cal­en­dar per­mits.
Mr. Pin­nen’s book will be avail­able for purchase.

JUNE 28, 2022
6:30pm — 7:30pm

Mis­sis­sip­pi Activ­i­ty Cen­ter
609 Dupont Avenue, Pascagoula

Join us for a spe­cial pre­sen­ta­tion by guest speak­er,
Chris­t­ian Pin­nen, author of Com­plex­ion of Empire
in Natchez. Learn how ideas about race influ­enced the
gov­er­nance of plan­ta­tion colonies with Natchez at the focal
point. Enjoy com­pli­men­ta­ry wine and soft drinks.
Call 228–202-1518 for more information.

Three Events Coming in May 2022!

NOAA Ship “OKEONOS Explorer” (home port Newport, RI) is docked in Pascagoula for ship repair work.

The entire Okeonos Explor­er crew is here at our Activ­i­ty Cen­ter for the entire week. The crew is using our facil­i­ties for impor­tant NOAA training.

National Rosie the Riveter and Vera Anderson SHIPBUILDERS Day CELEBRATION March 21, 2022

March is Women’s History Month.
Vera “Anderson” McDonald is Jackson County, MS World Welder Champion 1943, 1944
Vera Anderson’s descendants celebrated the day with us. Bluebird boxes were installed in honor of the women and their shipbuilding trades. Bluebirds were symbols of Hope. Bluebirds represented hope to World War II shipbuilders that their men would be safe while fighting the war.
Rosie The Riveter

Our Annual Silent Auction was a huge success enjoyed by our maritime community!

A heart­felt THANK YOU to all our Silent Auc­tion donors, atten­dees and vol­un­teers par­tic­i­pat­ing in our most suc­cess­ful event ever! Your gen­er­ous dona­tions were over the top!
We are grate­ful for the Mis­sis­sip­pi Gulf Coast’s pub­lic sup­port.
Our vision con­tin­ues to mate­ri­al­ize THANKS TO YOUR GENEROSITY!


Click on each pho­to for a larg­er view

Happy Holidays for a festive Maritime Season!!

Hol­i­day Dona­tions 2021

Pascagoula’s Arts & Crafts Festival

Mississippi Maritime Museum under development in Pascagoula hires its first director

PASCAGOULA, Mis­sis­sip­pi  Dec. 9, 2020 — The Mis­sis­sip­pi Mar­itime Muse­um, cur­rent­ly in devel­op­ment in Pascagoula, has announced the hir­ing of Lor­ren West as its first exec­u­tive direc­tor. “I am excit­ed to set sail in my new role as Exec­u­tive Direc­tor of Mis­sis­sip­pi Mar­itime Muse­um,” West said. “This oppor­tu­ni­ty allows me to bring together…

Read full story

National Maritime Day
May 22, 2021  9:30 AM — 12:00 PM

Location: 600 Beach Blvd

  • Lt. Gov­er­nor, Tate Reeves at the chris­ten­ing of the USS John P. Murtha