Pascagoula Port & Boat History

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-Con­tributed by Else Martin-

Pascagoula Pilot Association:
Demo­c­rat Star, May 17, 1901, Local News
“The Pascagoula Pilot Asso­ci­a­tion has con­tract­ed with­de­signed and builder, Mr. Joe Pol, to build a twin-screw motive pow­er pilot boat. The dimen­sions will be 65 feet long, 14 feet beam and 6 feet depth of hold. This is being done by the pilot’s antic­i­pa­tion of a greater influx of sea ves­sels at this point, a proof of its increas­ing com­mer­cial importance.”


Demo­c­rat Star, June 17, 1904
“Capt. Fred Clin­ton, of the SCHOONEROTIS” has entered into a con­tract with the Havana Elec­tric Light­ing to fur­nish its plant with cre­osot­ed lum­ber from the West Pascagoula Cre­osot­ing Works. The mate­r­i­al will be used for con­duits. An order for about one hun­dred thou­sand feet of boards will be placed at once.”

1899 — New fea­tures in our com­mer­cial traf­fic with Cuba are spring­ing up as the con­nec­tion increas­es, two of which the ship­ment of STATIONERY by the Demo­c­rat-Star and of SEED PECANS by the DeJean & Mitchell Co., to Havana.

Recent­ly a ship­ment of STOCK SHEEP was made to the Island, and as the demand becomes bet­ter known for the prod­ucts of this sec­tion, the trade will increase, and in time, doubt­less devel­op into the mag­ni­tude which the loca­tion of the Port of Pascagoula com­mands and deserves. To acquire a prop­er pro­por­tion of the trade with Cuba, Puer­to Rico, the Cen­tral and South Amer­i­can coun­tries every effort should be made by our mer­chants and cit­i­zens gen­er­al­ly. DStar, Nov. 24, 1899.


Ship­ping STAVES
Pascagoula Star, July 13, 1877.
Amer­i­can SCHOONER INEZ HUSTON, Capt. Jor­gensen, for Cor­pus Christi, with car­go of 5000 STAVES.

Pascagoula Star, Aug. 3, 1877
A Won­der­ful Inven­tion; A rev­o­lu­tion in the man­u­fac­ture of casks, bar­rels, etc. Alexan­der C. Blount, Esq., of Mis­sis­sip­pi, has recent­ly patent­ed an inven­tion for the man­u­fac­ture of BARRELS, KEGS, etc., which promis­es to rev­o­lu­tion­ize the COOPERING busi­ness, and cheap­en the cost of BARRELS at least fifty per cent. It does away with shav­ing and fit­ting by hand entire­ly, and will be as great a labor saver to the BARREL MAKER as the plan­ing mill is to the house builder. There are two machines, sim­i­lar, how­ev­er, in prin­ci­ple – one which pre­pares the STAVES and heads for all casks above the size of a bar­rel; and anoth­er which makes STAVES of every size from a bar­rel down to the small­est keg. The capac­i­ty of the machine ranges from three hun­dred to five hun­dred bar­rels or kegs PER DAY of ten hours, and the work is per­fect in every particular.

Pascagoula Star, Aug. 10, 1877
Amer­i­can SHIP JAS A WRIGHT, Capt. Mor­ri­son, for Liv­er­pool, 68,413 cub ft TIMBER, 7800 STAVES, 984 BALES COTTON weigh­ing 445,545 pounds, by Berci­er & DeSmet.

Mississippi Maritime Museum's photo.