Port of Pascagoula Entry Items

-Con­tributed by Else Martin-

PORT of ENTRY, EAST PASCAGOULA, State of Mississippi
1877 — Pascagoula Star, June 8, 1877

East Pascagoula, lies imme­di­ate­ly on the seashore, and is the prin­ci­pal Port of Entry of the State of Mis­sis­sip­pi, where ves­sels from all nations con­tin­u­al­ly enter and depart. It is also a fine water­ing resort, and there are ample accom­mo­da­tions, in the way of hotels and board­ing hous­es, for all who may come to seek health and pleasure.

Moss Point, eight miles from the seashore is at the inter­sec­tion of the Pascagoula and Escataw­pa Rivers, where are locat­ed about twen­ty saw & plan­ing mills, which annu­al­ly ship to home and for­eign mar­kets, about 30,000,000 feet of lum­ber, many mil­lions of shin­gles, cross ties, etc.

1829 — Pascagoula PORT of ENTRY hope
• Motion sub­mit­ted by Mr. Ellis, con­sid­ered and agreed to: “Resolved, that the com­mit­tee on com­merce be instruct­ed to inquire into the expe­di­en­cy of estab­lish­ing a Port of Entry at the mouth of the Pascagoula Bay, State of Mis­sis­sip­pi.” Jour­nal of Sen­ate, U.S.A., Dec. 22, 1829.