Author Archive: Webmaster

The ‘Pascagoula’ Ship

Con­tributed by Else Mar­tin Geneal­o­gy and Local His­to­ry Depart­ment The “Pascagoula,” was built by Dierks-Blod­gett Ship­build­ing Com­pa­ny of Pascagoula. This pho­to, tak­en by the Dierks fam­i­ly, is from the ship’s tri­al run in 1918. This dig­i­tal pho­to was donat­ed to…
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MMM Board Attends Non-Profit Organization Training

By Anne Pitre, May 2015 The MMM Board and Exec­u­tive Com­mit­tee and Com­mit­tee Chairs are train­ing to learn best prac­tices in non­prof­it gov­er­nance and man­age­ment. We are ded­i­cat­ed to build­ing a strong and well-run muse­um! Attach­ments MMM_Board­­_Non-Prof­it_­­Train­n­ing_­­May_2015 (441 kB)