Nazi Attack on America

-Con­tributed by Else Martin-

Here is the site about the U‑Boat sink­ing in the Gulf of Mex­i­co in 1942. I have had sev­er­al inquiries about this event since the show was tele­vised May 6, 2015. NOVA — PBS

Nazi Attack on Amer­i­ca,” a Nova/National Geo­graph­ic spe­cial, pre­mieres on PBS on Wednes­day night. Check local list­ings. The pro­gram is also avail­able on DVD, and begin­ning Thurs­day it can be seen via the Nova and PBS website.
Alan Boyle — Top­ics Sci­ence News, Cos­mic Log, Mil­i­tary, TV
First Pub­lished May 6 2015, 5:24 pm ET

Long link to ther pro­gram: