Ship Classifications

Below are some ship clas­si­fi­ca­tions that will be the focus of the Mis­sis­sip­pi Mar­itime Muse­um’s (MMM) exhibits, lec­tures, media pro­mo­tions and the like.  All of the infor­ma­tion below comes from select Wikipedia pages that appear to be updat­ed on a fair­ly reg­u­lar basis.  From the Jack­son Coun­ty Mis­sis­sip­pi area have come a long line of boats, ships, schooners, and oth­er marine ves­sels of vary­ing shapes and sizes from wher­ev­er there was water avail­able.  And, the list keeps grow­ing.  The ones shown below are pri­mar­i­ly from one of the larg­er ship­build­ing indus­tries, Ingalls.  The final link on the page shows a list­ing of all the ships built there to date.  As the MMM grows, so will its cov­er­age of oth­er ship­builders, from indi­vid­u­als to oth­er large ship­build­ing indus­tries in the area.

Ticon­dero­ga (Aegis) Cruis­ers (CG)

Spru­ance Destroy­er (DD)

Arleigh Burke Destroy­er (DDG)

Land­ing Heli­copter Assault (LHA)

San Anto­nio Amphibi­ous Trans­port Dock War­ship (LPD)

Land­ing Plat­form Heli­copter (LPH)

U.S. Coast Guard Cut­ters (WMSL)

U.S. Navy Submarines

Ships Built by Ingalls Ship­build­ing (Pascagoula, MS) from all the class­es described above and more …