Ticonderoga-Class Cruisers

Con­tributed by Else Martin

1994 – Ingalls, 5 deliv­ered total 317 ves­sels deliv­ered to date.
Jan 31 — USS Port Roy­al (CG 73) Aegis Guid­ed Mis­sile Cruis­er, U. S. Navy

Pacific Battleship Center - Battleship USS Iowa's photo.

July 9th, 1994 — USS Port Roy­al (CG 73) is com­mis­sioned at Savan­nah, Ga. The guid­ed-mis­sile cruis­er is the 27th and last ship of the Ticon­dero­ga-class cruis­ers.Named after Amer­i­can Rev­o­lu­tion­ary and Civ­il War bat­tles at Port Roy­al Sound, S.C., the ship is home­port­ed at Pearl Har­bor, Hawaii.