Con­tributed by Else Martin

Pascagoula has been involved in boat build­ing for so many years!

The Pascagoula Riv­er was the LARGEST ship­build­ing site on the Gulf Coast from 1811 to 1830. Twelve were record­ed in the New Orleans Port records, but I have found many more (20) built in those years. Bay St. Louis is list­ed with 9. This list is com­piled of only those ves­sels that reg­is­tered as they entered Bay­ou St. John.

Pitts­burg, Pa. 69; Cincin­nati, Ohio 61; New York City 38; Philadel­phia, Pa. 24; Dorch­ester Co., Md 23; Ohio Riv­er 22; Bath, Maine 14; Pascagoula Ms 12; New Albany, Indi­ana 11; Pittston, Maine 10; Bay St. Louis, Ms 9; Mari­et­ta, Ohio 9; Duxbury, Mass 9; Bal­ti­more, Md 8; Louisville, Ky 8; Hamp­ton, Va 8; Ken­neb­unk, Maine 8; Bon­fou­ca, La., 7; East Had­dam, Conn. 7; Chatham, Conn. 6; Fal­mouth, Maine 6; Lafourche, La 6; Matthews Co. Va 5;